Play Trailer


Tue 2 May 8:30 PM

Jetty Memorial Theatre
Assisted Listening
Allocated Seating
87 Mins | David Cronenberg
Tue 2 May

Celebrating the 40th anniversary of Videodrome - long live the new flesh!  

Max Renn (James Woods), a programmer for an underground cable network, discovers Videodrome, a mysterious channel that’s to be dedicated to depravity of all persuasions. He enlists the help of his lover Nicki (a campy & kinky Debbie Harry), in searching for the source of the signal, and together they uncover a dark and bizarre network that threatens the fabric of reality.

Pioneering beautifully grotesque sequences of biomechanical metamorphosis combining man with machine, a concept that had never seen the light of cinema, through Videodrome, Cronenberg’s brand of filmmaking became an adjective, with ultra-violent, psychosexual satire that sets sensationalist media in its sights, and birthing an entirely new horror subgenre. 
Tue 2 May

Jetty Memorial Theatre

337 Harbour Drive Coffs Harbour, NSW, 2450